Saturday, August 29, 2009


I am so sorry it has been so long since my last post....i have a overlay sampler here for you and i hope you like can go pick it up here in the store totally free....Please consider purchasing my new styles or texture plates I also have some awesome limos in the store brand new....I have been working really hard on my NEW store yes you heard me rite i am a Partner now at Elite Designer Resources....I have been working very hard on the store front and its still not ready....ROFLMBO.....all this rite after i had a computer crash and lost EVERYTHING including my system had to go to Vista and its Ram hungry and slowing me down.....BUT anyhow enough of my chatter thank you for sticking around for me and I know your gonna see Fabulous things at Elite...I no longer sell at any other stores I am Exclusive. and Im pouring my heart in this store Every single day and Loving Every Minute of It.....
Welcome to the Royal Court at Elite.
ALL my stuff is on sale for 30% off go grab up some deals and let me know what you think of the NEW Header Design....but make sure you be nice