YAY!!!!! heres a great little eclectic Freebie...
Why you say because Im cleaning off my drive
and i didnt want this stuff to go to waste..*LOL*
these came from the land of lost but not forgotten
freebies....*LOL*....Hope you all enjoy...((hugs))
and get Busyscrappin!!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday Nite Freebie...cleaning off drive
Posted by
12:24 AM
Friday, March 28, 2008
Freebie Time @ Scrapoholic....
Hop on over to the Scrapoholic Blog to
pick up this fabulous Freebie A few
little xtra goodies fell into this goodie bag
so youll have a few wonderful surprises
in store for you...So You Really Should
Get Busyscrappin.....*LOL*((hugs))
Posted by
11:16 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
A link for a Challenge that comes with a Freebie...and my entry layout
I did this desktop for a Calendar Challenge from
Amanda over at Digitals heres the link to email her for the kit and then you make a layout and post it in the Digitals Gallery...Easy and you get goodies....heres the link
Calendar Challenge Download
Yall be sure and leave a comment to let me know what you think...k?((hugs))
Posted by
5:04 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday Nite Freebie its a surprise.....
Hello there...I had a safe and fun trip to the
aquarium in Chattanooga...
I didnt however get much done but i have a little
freebie here for you hope you like it...
Happy Easter....
My son is having surgery tomorrow....so I wont
be around but hopefully Ill be back in a couple of
days so I can scrap the pictures we took at
the aquarium gorgious....
Posted by
12:22 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Hi Yall!!! I got this Beautiful Welcome kit
at Scrapping Whispers and had to make a layout
to get more freebies BUT...I can almost never
Scrap a Page without making something so....
I made the Hymns Kit....the old papers I made
all of those and the tape at the top...this was
so fun....the Scanned Hyms kit is available
at 2busyscrappin2shop and will be here at
Scrapoholic Designs once we get our Site
designer Peter to put it in...Hes a Sweetie BTW
Jess is so lucky to have him he is so busy but
still finds time to work on our site...((hugs))
Posted by
11:07 AM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Scrapo Paper Stacker lV
YAY!! its here the next Scrapo Paper Stacker it stacks a traditional version of 10 papers....this is a must have for Designers so dont forget to hop on over to
or if you have problems there you can always pick it up
at http://scrapoholicdesigns.3w.se/
if you still have problems or have any special requests for specific views or an amount I have not created just let me know at froglmk@msn.com...((hugs))
Posted by
8:04 PM
Sunday Nite Freebie #3
YAY!!! I made it....I don't believe it but I DID!!
Ive got a GREAT little St.Patty's Day kit coming out and these are some SWEET treats that kinda fell into my Sunday nite Freebie Basket while I was working...*LOL*
Anyhow there mite be a couple of SRRPRISES in there too...I just LOVE Surprises..My Kit has some great papers and things in there its not all green...*LOL* its a very versitle kit...you will see im uploading some previews of it next its called...Kiss Me Im Irish....it started as a reward to someone who helped me out a few weeks ago...*LOL*...I have to find that email she will get this FREE...anyway click on the preview to get your FREEBIE....((hugs))
Posted by
4:06 PM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Sunday Nite Freebie #2
I just LOVE this little tradition...gives me an excuse
to get on my computer on Sundays...*LOL*
anyhow...I have some QPs from:
Sue (aka) Scrappy Schnooks
you can find more of her work here.
Dont forget to go on over to the Scrapoholic Blog
Jess just posted a Freebie over there too...its real
nice too Ive seen it...hehehe
Posted by
8:26 PM
Friday, March 7, 2008
Paper Stacker Actions2
I am soooo EXCITED I have been working
on actions ALL day and im about to go
get usy Scrappin..*LOL*
I have a set of actions here that does layouts
with 4 or 8 papers....
I am so happy because this is going to really
speed up my kit preview process...
Have a Great Weekend..dont forget to
get in on my Challenge either you have
2 weeks to complete it You COULD win a $5.00 gift certificate to the store....((hugs))
Posted by
6:51 PM
Paper Stacker Actions...
This action stacks 10 papers for you into a
really cool looking layout just like this
preview including the drop shadows...*LOL*
Posted by
6:37 PM
Layout and Challenge #4
Hi Yall....Im so excited to be feeling well and
getting a second lease on life with the computer
*LOL* its running great too....thats kinda
funny maybe i was making it feel bad hahaha!
anyhow I wanted to show everyone my bestie!
*LOL*...Jess and I have been thru a lot in the
short time we have known each other and well
they so what Doesnt kill you can only make you stronger...and I believe that our friendship
has grown strong and well I feel lucky to have
you as a friend Jess......so I just had to use my
Feelin Lucky kit to show everyone....
now for the challenge....hehehe
if you wanna join the challenge
do a layout of your bestie....
I want to meet her or him or it...*LOL*
you must use the feelin Lucky kit to do this...
now I know this mite be asking a lot....but HEREs the deal.........Just click on the donation button on the lower right hand section of my blog donate at least $1.00 you can donate more if ya like....and then email me your number from reciept and i will send you the kit and detials on what to do with your layout.......now thats a pretty good deal and a chance to get your money back and more....NOW.....the winner will recieve a $5.00 gift certificate to the stores either one(scrapoholicOR2busyscrappintoshop).. whatever you like you get to pick it out....hehehe hows that for a challenge....
You get a steal of a deal AND a chance for more goodies....*LOL*
Now you will be responsible for claiming your prize Im not gonna hunt you down to give it to you.
so please watch and listen on my blog scrapoholic blog or the groups for the winner...I will post the winner in all the places so if your watching one you should get the info.....as for the CT group well you DONT have to join in on this one....you all are always welcome to join any challenge but this time its not manditory k?
((hugs)) and get Busyscrappin.....*LOL*
Posted by
5:33 AM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
ok....Im back and I come with gifts...*LOL*
i made a couple of QPs for ya from my layouts
of Dad....now, If you like the KIT i used its called Daddy Kit You can buy it for
$3.50 click HERE
if you like the layout I used TTC templates click HERE
You can download the QPs by clicking HERE
Posted by
8:36 PM
New Layouts of Daddy and a new Freebie and kit coming....
IM such as cry baby let me know what you think of the layouts k?
Ill be back on later with some freebies for you all...((hugs))
Posted by
1:23 PM
Monday, March 3, 2008
Feelin Lucky Officially on the shelves....
With all the computer problems
I have had I am amazed I am able
to get anything done...I have a C drive
going out and I have been trying to
copy my goodies to another computer
(my childrens) I am sooo happy we got
them a computer a couple of years
ago for Christmas or I would be outta
I just wanted to show you all
what the kit looks like...let me know what
you think k?
Happy Scrappin
P.S. Click on the Preview to buy the kit now..
Posted by
1:55 AM
Sunday, March 2, 2008
New Freebie on a New nite......
Hey yall....Im starting a new Ritual....
its called Sunday Night Freebie....
this doesnt mean I wont have Freebies
any other night but I hope that God
willing I will always be able to put one
on THIS blog every Sunday Nite....
Now this Freebie is a sneak peak at
my NEW St. Patty's Day kit....
I hope you all enjoy it and PLEASE
leave a comment while you
download k?
Just Click on the Preview for the goodies...
Posted by
10:31 PM